Annual Awarding Ceremony in Make Locks

Annual Awarding Ceremony in Make Locks
On 5th June, 2016,Make Locks Manufacturer Ltd held a ceremony for awarding the excellent staffs, who performed outstandingly in their jobs during the past five or ten years, with a gold ring. 

The ceremony began with our CEO Mr. Lin's speech. He thanked all in Make Locks. And pointed out that he would spend more time in managing Make Locks, creating a more prosperous future for all our lovely fellows. 

Those who get awards were very excited. They thanked Make Locks who offered this opportunity for them to stand in the center of the stage, sharing the rest their experience in Make Locks, how they go step by step from the production line to the management level. 

Most of those who work in Make Locks for 5 years or 10 years are couples or families. They spend their time and energy in Make Locks. They said they loved Make Locks, a company that they felt at home and could make their life better under their hard work. They will continue to work in Make Locks. 

How many decades a person has in his whole life, but Make Locks is a company deserves to work in with its tenet "staffs happy & customers satisfied". Welcome to work together with us!
Annual Awarding Ceremony in Make Locks