Internal Activities of Make Locks Company

Internal Activities of Make Locks Company
1. Basketball Match
In June 2014, A Basketball Competition between Makelocks and Neighbor Company was held. We moved to slef owned factory this May, and to make staffs adapt to new environment better and have a good starting with Neighbor Companies, a basketball game held. With several rounds, Makelocks’ Team won with score 2:1. It is a really competitive game, everyone in the team sweat like a pig, but still felt excited. The aim of this kind of activity is also to encourage Makelocks’ members to keep high belief, working hard together to reach our aims, no matter it is in work and games.

Basketball Match
2. Showing Time
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Spring breeze in April, the earth warming, sending out the vitality everywhere, to enrich life of Makelocks’ familiy members after work, Makelocks’ styled activities was held, the theme is “Show Who You Are”. This activity lasts 1 month. During this exciting time, there are different kinds of games held, like basketball match, feet tied game, tug-of-war competition etc. The activity was a great success. Let life be beautiful like summer flowers.

Feet Tied GameTug-of-war