Make Attending the 134th Canton Fair

Make Attending the 134th Canton Fair
From October 15th to 19th, the 134th Canton Fair was hosted on the banks of the Pearl River. Businessmen from all over the world came to attend this feast of exchanges and cooperation.
The Canton Fair is known as the wind vane of China's foreign trade. At this exhibition, Make Security Technology attended the Canton Fair as scheduled, fully displaying Make's wonderful products and brand image to customers, and delivering Make's business card to global merchants.
1. Many people showing up at our booth on the first day of the exhibition
On the first day of the exhibition, many businessmen came to the Make Security Technology booth. The diversified products, new products that follow the industry development trends, rich industry experience and mature technology attracted many merchants to visit our booth. 
people showing up at our booth

2. Highlighting the brand and showing our ability
At this Canton Fair, Make applied for a brand booth in the main aisle for the first time, hoping to better display our high-quality products and let more customers know about Make.
At the same time, we also hope to use the opportunity of the Canton Fair to achieve face-to-face communication with customers, understand their most real needs and the latest market dynamics and development trends, and lay a solid foundation for the development of more high-quality products that meet market needs.
3. Wonderful new products attracting many fans
At this exhibition, Make brought more than ten exciting new products, such as intelligent cam locks, vending machine locks, locker locks, chassis cabinet locks, etc. These products can be used in bank self-service equipment, transportation, smart cities, and 3C terminals, attracting a lot of fans.
new locks

new lock

4. Negotiating with merchants and discussing cooperation
At the exhibition site, people come and go at the Make booth. There are both old and new customers. The staff led the customers arriving on site to have an in-depth understanding and experience of our products and gave patient explanations and answers one by one.
Negotiating with merchants

Negotiating with customers

Many customers have deepened their understanding of Make security technology through communication and negotiation, and hope that they can strengthen cooperation with each other to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.
Booth information
Booth number: Booth I37-38 & J11-12 
Exhibition area: Hall 10.1, Area B
Exhibition date: 15 to 19, October