April was MAKE Locks Staff Activity Month. Running race around the lake was a new program. Over 100 staffs joined it, including 75 runners, 25 cheerleaders and other persons. In the end, 4 teams got the prize, and 2 runners were awarded as "Best Runner".

It fulfills Make Locks staffs' mental and physical life and creates a better working atmosphere. During the competition, MAKE staffs encouraged each other along the running line, and all of them finished the whole line in high spirit. And that is what exactly MAKE tenet "Staffs Happy, Customers Satisfied" showed.

It fulfills Make Locks staffs' mental and physical life and creates a better working atmosphere. During the competition, MAKE staffs encouraged each other along the running line, and all of them finished the whole line in high spirit. And that is what exactly MAKE tenet "Staffs Happy, Customers Satisfied" showed.